  • الهوية البصرية لمجلس الصحة لدول مجلس التعاون الخليجي

  • هو نظام موحد لتسجيل المنتجات الطبية (أدوية بشرية – أجهزة طبية – أدوية بيطرية) في دول المجلس بهدف التأكد من جودة وفعالية وأمان المنتج الطبي، ويتم تصنيعه وفقاً للمواصفات والمعايير العالمية.

  • يعد مجلس الصحة لدول مجلس التعاون منظمة خليجية فاعلة في المجال الصحي، حيث تم تأسيسه في صفر عام 1396 ه الموافق فبراير عام ١٩٧٦ م.


  • يقوم المجلس بصياغة وتحرير الأخبار ونشرها على موقع المجلس الالكتروني وتجدون في هذا القسم كافة الأخبار المتعلقة بالمجلس ونشاطاتها

  • هو برنامج يهدف للمساهمة في تأمين الأدوية البشرية والمستلزمات الطبية والأجهزة الطبية، بالإضافة الى المستحضرات البيطرية بأفضل المعايير والمواصفات وبسعر مناسب

  • هو برنامج يهدف الى اتخاذ الإجراءات الصحية المناسبة للتأكد من لياقة وملائمة الوافدين صحياً للعمل بدول المجلس وخلوهم من الأمراض المعدية والمزمنة.

  • مجلة “صحة الخليج”، تهدف الى تسليط الضوء على إنجازات المجلس ورصد أخبار ونشاطات وزارات الصحة بالدول الأعضاء إضافة إلى المعلومات الطبية والصيدلانية والتحقيقات الطبية.

  • تعمل وزارات الصحة على عدد من القضايا الهامة ومنها تنمية التعاون والتنسيق بين الدول الأعضاء وتحديد مفاهيم القضايا الصحية المختلفة.

  • يباشر مجلس الصحة لدول مجلس التعاون مع أعضاء الهيئة التنفيذية أعماله، حيث يضم مديراً عاماً وكادراً مكوناً من طاقم عمل فني ومالي وإداري.

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  • الهوية البصرية لمجلس الصحة لدول مجلس التعاون الخليجي

  • هو نظام موحد لتسجيل المنتجات الطبية (أدوية بشرية – أجهزة طبية – أدوية بيطرية) في دول المجلس بهدف التأكد من جودة وفعالية وأمان المنتج الطبي، ويتم تصنيعه وفقاً للمواصفات والمعايير العالمية.

  • يعد مجلس الصحة لدول مجلس التعاون منظمة خليجية فاعلة في المجال الصحي، حيث تم تأسيسه في صفر عام 1396 ه الموافق فبراير عام ١٩٧٦ م.


  • يقوم المجلس بصياغة وتحرير الأخبار ونشرها على موقع المجلس الالكتروني وتجدون في هذا القسم كافة الأخبار المتعلقة بالمجلس ونشاطاتها

  • هو برنامج يهدف للمساهمة في تأمين الأدوية البشرية والمستلزمات الطبية والأجهزة الطبية، بالإضافة الى المستحضرات البيطرية بأفضل المعايير والمواصفات وبسعر مناسب

  • هو برنامج يهدف الى اتخاذ الإجراءات الصحية المناسبة للتأكد من لياقة وملائمة الوافدين صحياً للعمل بدول المجلس وخلوهم من الأمراض المعدية والمزمنة.

  • مجلة “صحة الخليج”، تهدف الى تسليط الضوء على إنجازات المجلس ورصد أخبار ونشاطات وزارات الصحة بالدول الأعضاء إضافة إلى المعلومات الطبية والصيدلانية والتحقيقات الطبية.

  • تعمل وزارات الصحة على عدد من القضايا الهامة ومنها تنمية التعاون والتنسيق بين الدول الأعضاء وتحديد مفاهيم القضايا الصحية المختلفة.

  • يباشر مجلس الصحة لدول مجلس التعاون مع أعضاء الهيئة التنفيذية أعماله، حيث يضم مديراً عاماً وكادراً مكوناً من طاقم عمل فني ومالي وإداري.

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    Register Central

    Register Central

    Central drug registry goals

    It is a unified system for drug registration in the GCC Health Council, to ensure the quality, effectiveness and safety of the drug, and the accuracy of information related to it, and that it is manufactured in accordance with international specifications and standards. This system aims to:

    Unifying the pricing of medicines that are marketed in the GCC countries

    Standardization of systems and procedures in the process of registering pharmaceutical companies and medicines

    Unifying the registration of pharmaceutical companies in the GCC countries

    Ensuring the application of the principles of good manufacturing by companies

    Standardization of information and conditions when registering medicines

    Increasing integration and coordination among member states in the pharmaceutical field

    Access to safe and effective medicine at reasonable prices

    Using the drug optimally and at the lowest cost

    Follow-up of medicines in terms of quality and side effects

    Central Gulf Committee for Drug Registration

    It is the committee that was approved to carry out the central drug registration for the countries of the Cooperation Council according to Resolution No. (6) at the forty-fifth conference, which was held in Geneva (Switzerland) in May 1998.

    The committee holds (12) meetings, including (6) meetings that take place via conference call between technicians in the countries to study the registration files in the member states.

    The committee is chaired by one of the member states, and it rotates every year according to the Health Council meetings system

    Two members from each country

    The tasks of the committee Central Drug Registry

    Inspection in the factories of pharmaceutical companies to ensure that the principles of good manufacturing of medicines are applied.

    Studying technical reports received from Member States or international bodies on pharmaceutical companies and their preparations and taking the necessary actions in this regard.

    Approval of pharmaceutical preparation analysis reports issued by accredited reference laboratories in the Member States.

    Registration of drug and pharmaceutical companies according to the unified registration regulations

    The tasks of the committee Central Drug Registry
    Registration of medical devices and supplies

    It is a unified system for registering medical devices and supplies in the GCC Health Council, whereby a medical device is registered only after ensuring that it has met standards of quality, safety and effectiveness, and the accuracy of information related to it, and that it is manufactured in accordance with international specifications and standards.

    Establishing a unified electronic system for registering companies of medical devices and supplies in the GCC countries

    Unifying the classification of medical devices and supplies among the GCC countries

    Central registration of medical devices and supplies at the level of the GCC countries

    Standardization of information and conditions when registering medical devices and supplies

    Integration and coordination among member states in the medical field

    Standardization of systems and procedures in the company registration process

    Ensure that international standards are followed in the inspection of factories

    Regulations for registration of medical devices and supplies

    A regulatory regulation that defines medical devices and defines registration mechanisms, evidence and procedures

    Medical Devices and Supplies Registration Committee

    It is the committee that works to register medical devices and supplies in accordance with international standards. The committee verifies the safety, effectiveness and efficiency of medical devices.
    The committee was formed by a decision of the Ministers in the forty-second session of the Council of Ministers of Health by circulation
    The members of the committee study all files related to medical devices and companies’ requests in accordance with the scientific and international foundations in registration. They also constantly develop the registration process according to international amendments and developments in this context. The committee meets six times a year

    Gulf Committee for Pricing of Pharmaceuticals

    It is the committee that was approved to do the pricing of pharmaceutical preparations for the GCC countries, according to the following:

    Committee meetings

    The Committee meets regularly throughout the year, approximately every three months, in one of the GCC countries, alternately

    Committee members

    Two members from each country. The committee is chaired by one of the member states, alternately every year, according to the Health Council meetings system

    Duties of the Gulf Committee for Pricing of Pharmaceuticals










    Developing pricing and re-pricing rules for pharmaceutical products and submitting them to higher authorities for approval

    Studying topics submitted to the committee by the GCC states related to pricing pharmaceuticals and health products containing vitamins

    Unifying systems and pricing procedures in the Gulf countries

    Studying objections raised by pharmaceutical companies and responding to them regarding a price, for many reasons, including transfer of ownership, place of manufacture, or marketer

    Unifying the prices of centrally and peripherally registered medicines upon re-registration, which takes place every five years in the GCC states and the Health Council (central registration)

    Unifying the profit margin for the agent and the pharmacy between countries, not exceeding 45%

    Activating the role of the electronic link between the GCC states in order to quickly obtain and approve information
    Standardizing the export price of innovative medicines registered centrally and peripherally according to therapeutic groups
    Unifying the pricing of innovative medicines as a first stage
    Registration of veterinary products
    It is a unified system for the registration of veterinary products in the GCC Health Council. It aims to ensure the safety, security and quality of veterinary products in accordance with the principles of good manufacturing (GMP) and international specifications and standards. The Veterinary Products Registration System aims to:
    Registering veterinary products and their factories centrally at the level of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries
    Registering veterinary products and their factories centrally at the level of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries
    Registering veterinary products and their factories centrally at the level of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries
    Registering veterinary products and their factories centrally at the level of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries
    Registering veterinary products and their factories centrally at the level of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries
    Registering veterinary products and their factories centrally at the level of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries
    Classification of medical and health products
    It is the product classification system in the GCC countries. The classification is based on unified definitions and criteria The classification system aims:

    Standardization of definitions and criteria for classification of products

    Establishing a unified electronic system for product classification in the GCC countries

    Classification of products centrally at the level of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries

    The official website for company registration (Taawon)