- About GHC
- GHC OverviewThe GCC Health Council is an active Gulf organization in the health field, as it was established in Safar 1396 Hijri corresponding to February 1976.
- Health MinistriesThe Ministries of Health are working on a number of important issues, including developing cooperation and coordination among member states and defining the concepts of various health issues.
- Organizational StructureThe Health Council of the Cooperation Council states, along with the members of the executive body, carries out its work, as it includes a general director and a cadre composed of technical, financial and administrative staff.
- GHC Programs
- Registration & LicensingIt is a unified system for registering medical products (human medicines – medical devices – veterinary medicines) in the GCC countries in order to ensure the quality, effectiveness and safety of the medical product, and it is manufactured in accordance with international specifications and standards.
- Joint ProcurementIt is a program that aims to contribute to securing human medicines, medical supplies and medical devices, in addition to veterinary preparations with the best standards and specifications at an affordable price.
- Wafid ProgramIt is a program that aims to take appropriate health measures to ensure that expatriates are fit and healthy to work in the GCC countries and that they are free from infectious and chronic diseases.
- Media center
- NewsThe Council drafts and edits the news and publishes it on the Council’s website. In this section, you will find all the news related to the Council and its activities
- Gulf LogoThe visual identity of the GCC Health Council
- Gulf Health Magazine“Gulf Health” magazine aims to shed light on the council’s achievements and monitor news and activities of the ministries of health in member states, in addition to medical and pharmaceutical information and medical investigations.
- Gulf CDC
- Join Us
الهوية البصرية لمجلس الصحة لدول مجلس التعاون الخليجي
هو نظام موحد لتسجيل المنتجات الطبية (أدوية بشرية – أجهزة طبية – أدوية بيطرية) في دول المجلس بهدف التأكد من جودة وفعالية وأمان المنتج الطبي، ويتم تصنيعه وفقاً للمواصفات والمعايير العالمية.
يعد مجلس الصحة لدول مجلس التعاون منظمة خليجية فاعلة في المجال الصحي، حيث تم تأسيسه في صفر عام 1396 ه الموافق فبراير عام ١٩٧٦ م.
يقوم المجلس بصياغة وتحرير الأخبار ونشرها على موقع المجلس الالكتروني وتجدون في هذا القسم كافة الأخبار المتعلقة بالمجلس ونشاطاتها
هو برنامج يهدف للمساهمة في تأمين الأدوية البشرية والمستلزمات الطبية والأجهزة الطبية، بالإضافة الى المستحضرات البيطرية بأفضل المعايير والمواصفات وبسعر مناسب
هو برنامج يهدف الى اتخاذ الإجراءات الصحية المناسبة للتأكد من لياقة وملائمة الوافدين صحياً للعمل بدول المجلس وخلوهم من الأمراض المعدية والمزمنة.
مجلة “صحة الخليج”، تهدف الى تسليط الضوء على إنجازات المجلس ورصد أخبار ونشاطات وزارات الصحة بالدول الأعضاء إضافة إلى المعلومات الطبية والصيدلانية والتحقيقات الطبية.
تعمل وزارات الصحة على عدد من القضايا الهامة ومنها تنمية التعاون والتنسيق بين الدول الأعضاء وتحديد مفاهيم القضايا الصحية المختلفة.
يباشر مجلس الصحة لدول مجلس التعاون مع أعضاء الهيئة التنفيذية أعماله، حيث يضم مديراً عاماً وكادراً مكوناً من طاقم عمل فني ومالي وإداري.
- About GHC
- GHC OverviewThe GCC Health Council is an active Gulf organization in the health field, as it was established in Safar 1396 Hijri corresponding to February 1976.
- Health MinistriesThe Ministries of Health are working on a number of important issues, including developing cooperation and coordination among member states and defining the concepts of various health issues.
- Organizational StructureThe Health Council of the Cooperation Council states, along with the members of the executive body, carries out its work, as it includes a general director and a cadre composed of technical, financial and administrative staff.
- GHC Programs
- Registration & LicensingIt is a unified system for registering medical products (human medicines – medical devices – veterinary medicines) in the GCC countries in order to ensure the quality, effectiveness and safety of the medical product, and it is manufactured in accordance with international specifications and standards.
- Joint ProcurementIt is a program that aims to contribute to securing human medicines, medical supplies and medical devices, in addition to veterinary preparations with the best standards and specifications at an affordable price.
- Wafid ProgramIt is a program that aims to take appropriate health measures to ensure that expatriates are fit and healthy to work in the GCC countries and that they are free from infectious and chronic diseases.
- Media center
- NewsThe Council drafts and edits the news and publishes it on the Council’s website. In this section, you will find all the news related to the Council and its activities
- Gulf LogoThe visual identity of the GCC Health Council
- Gulf Health Magazine“Gulf Health” magazine aims to shed light on the council’s achievements and monitor news and activities of the ministries of health in member states, in addition to medical and pharmaceutical information and medical investigations.
- Gulf CDC
- Join Us
- News
- Registration & Licensing
- GHC Overview
- About GHC
- GHC OverviewThe GCC Health Council is an active Gulf organization in the health field, as it was established in Safar 1396 Hijri corresponding to February 1976.
- Health MinistriesThe Ministries of Health are working on a number of important issues, including developing cooperation and coordination among member states and defining the concepts of various health issues.
- Organizational StructureThe Health Council of the Cooperation Council states, along with the members of the executive body, carries out its work, as it includes a general director and a cadre composed of technical, financial and administrative staff.
- GHC Programs
- Registration & LicensingIt is a unified system for registering medical products (human medicines – medical devices – veterinary medicines) in the GCC countries in order to ensure the quality, effectiveness and safety of the medical product, and it is manufactured in accordance with international specifications and standards.
- Joint ProcurementIt is a program that aims to contribute to securing human medicines, medical supplies and medical devices, in addition to veterinary preparations with the best standards and specifications at an affordable price.
- Wafid ProgramIt is a program that aims to take appropriate health measures to ensure that expatriates are fit and healthy to work in the GCC countries and that they are free from infectious and chronic diseases.
- Media center
- NewsThe Council drafts and edits the news and publishes it on the Council’s website. In this section, you will find all the news related to the Council and its activities
- Gulf LogoThe visual identity of the GCC Health Council
- Gulf Health Magazine“Gulf Health” magazine aims to shed light on the council’s achievements and monitor news and activities of the ministries of health in member states, in addition to medical and pharmaceutical information and medical investigations.
- Gulf CDC
- Join Us
الهوية البصرية لمجلس الصحة لدول مجلس التعاون الخليجي
هو نظام موحد لتسجيل المنتجات الطبية (أدوية بشرية – أجهزة طبية – أدوية بيطرية) في دول المجلس بهدف التأكد من جودة وفعالية وأمان المنتج الطبي، ويتم تصنيعه وفقاً للمواصفات والمعايير العالمية.
يعد مجلس الصحة لدول مجلس التعاون منظمة خليجية فاعلة في المجال الصحي، حيث تم تأسيسه في صفر عام 1396 ه الموافق فبراير عام ١٩٧٦ م.
يقوم المجلس بصياغة وتحرير الأخبار ونشرها على موقع المجلس الالكتروني وتجدون في هذا القسم كافة الأخبار المتعلقة بالمجلس ونشاطاتها
هو برنامج يهدف للمساهمة في تأمين الأدوية البشرية والمستلزمات الطبية والأجهزة الطبية، بالإضافة الى المستحضرات البيطرية بأفضل المعايير والمواصفات وبسعر مناسب
هو برنامج يهدف الى اتخاذ الإجراءات الصحية المناسبة للتأكد من لياقة وملائمة الوافدين صحياً للعمل بدول المجلس وخلوهم من الأمراض المعدية والمزمنة.
مجلة “صحة الخليج”، تهدف الى تسليط الضوء على إنجازات المجلس ورصد أخبار ونشاطات وزارات الصحة بالدول الأعضاء إضافة إلى المعلومات الطبية والصيدلانية والتحقيقات الطبية.
تعمل وزارات الصحة على عدد من القضايا الهامة ومنها تنمية التعاون والتنسيق بين الدول الأعضاء وتحديد مفاهيم القضايا الصحية المختلفة.
يباشر مجلس الصحة لدول مجلس التعاون مع أعضاء الهيئة التنفيذية أعماله، حيث يضم مديراً عاماً وكادراً مكوناً من طاقم عمل فني ومالي وإداري.
- About GHC
- GHC OverviewThe GCC Health Council is an active Gulf organization in the health field, as it was established in Safar 1396 Hijri corresponding to February 1976.
- Health MinistriesThe Ministries of Health are working on a number of important issues, including developing cooperation and coordination among member states and defining the concepts of various health issues.
- Organizational StructureThe Health Council of the Cooperation Council states, along with the members of the executive body, carries out its work, as it includes a general director and a cadre composed of technical, financial and administrative staff.
- GHC Programs
- Registration & LicensingIt is a unified system for registering medical products (human medicines – medical devices – veterinary medicines) in the GCC countries in order to ensure the quality, effectiveness and safety of the medical product, and it is manufactured in accordance with international specifications and standards.
- Joint ProcurementIt is a program that aims to contribute to securing human medicines, medical supplies and medical devices, in addition to veterinary preparations with the best standards and specifications at an affordable price.
- Wafid ProgramIt is a program that aims to take appropriate health measures to ensure that expatriates are fit and healthy to work in the GCC countries and that they are free from infectious and chronic diseases.
- Media center
- NewsThe Council drafts and edits the news and publishes it on the Council’s website. In this section, you will find all the news related to the Council and its activities
- Gulf LogoThe visual identity of the GCC Health Council
- Gulf Health Magazine“Gulf Health” magazine aims to shed light on the council’s achievements and monitor news and activities of the ministries of health in member states, in addition to medical and pharmaceutical information and medical investigations.
- Gulf CDC
- Join Us
- News
- Registration & Licensing
- GHC Overview

Volume 38 - Issue 175 Ramadan 1433 AH April 2022 CE
Gulf Health Journal
To monitor the news and activities of the ministries of health of the Gulf countries
The first issue of this magazine was published in January 1993 AD, and then the issues followed periodically, in coordination
With the members of the editorial board in the member states.
The GCC Health Council issued the “Gulf Health” magazine. One of its objectives is to shed light on the Council’s achievements and monitor the news and activities of the health ministries in the member states, in addition to medical and pharmaceutical information and medical investigations. This is the opinion of many officials, specialists, doctors and decision-makers to discuss all issues and matters related to the health sector, as well as the publication of many surveys, dialogues and successful health experiences in the GCC countries, in addition to publishing articles and static pages that deal with health aspects of common interest among the Arab Gulf countries.
Raising and addressing common issues
through dialogue
To be a source of science and knowledge
Finding a bridge for communication and acquaintance between workers in the health sector in the GCC countries and finding a common health language among them to achieve the desired goals
Documenting the activities and work of the Council.
Highlighting the successes achieved by the GCC countries in the health field and in implementing some distinguished programs and successful experiences.
The current issue of the Gulf Health Journal
An insightful vision and a continuous journey